Early Saturday, Canotte Minnesota Timberwolves December 10, President Obama signed a Continuing Resolution to fund the Federal Government through April 28. Duron Harmon The President’s signature came just hours after fierce debate in the Senate before the legislation narrowly passed with a vote of 63-36. NIKE AIR MAX 2016 Unfortunately, Asics Gel lyte 3 Dames the delayed action on the spending bill forced some states to cancel drill scheduled for December 10 and 11. Furthermore—and as the EANGUS National Office continues to communicate to Congress—passing Continuing Resolutions puts DOD at a disadvantage because there can be no new starts to weapons systems and buildings, solde adidas previously planned for by senior leaders. Nike Air Max 2015 Uomo

In fact, Oakley pas cher DOD is sometimes forced to pay a penalty on systems that were supposed to be purchased but are delayed on account of lack of authority to develop until a clean spending bill is signed into law. Nike SB Check On the bright side, Congressional defense hawks are slated for a win in the 115th Congress. GOP control of both chambers and the Presidency likely mean a return to pre-sequestration defense spending, Mac Jones Jersey meaning more money toward Research and Development of new technologies, and more procurement dollars for weapons system purchases. In all, Nike LeBron James 13 2017 looks promising for the EANGUS National Office to go after even more victories—which is a breath of fresh air considering we have a lot to tackle.