Call to Action 2017-04 The U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to consider H.R. 3218 the...
June 2017 Drill Weekend Talking Points
FY18 Budget On Tuesday, May 23, the Administration released its Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18) budget to...
Drill Weekend Talking Points: April 2017
Drill Weekend Talking Points: April 2017 2017 House NGRCC Breakfast On Wednesday, March 8, The...
Sign the White House Petition to stop GRAP Injustice
Can you spare 15 seconds for a National Guard Soldier? It is apparent that the only way to stop...
Update: House-passed NDAA
Update: House-passed NDAA The conference report on the National Defense Authorization Act...
Drill Weekend Talking Points for December 2016
Drill Weekend Talking Points for December 2016 Overview and Analysis of S. Nike Air Max 2017...
Further info on the Blended Retirement System
Keep in mind that this story focuses on only one aspect of the entire retirement reform language....
Drill Weekend Talking Points for November 2016
Drill Weekend Talking Points for November 2016 Congressional Update The 114th Congress has...
2016 National Defense Act Contains Education and GI Bill Changes
The 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was signed into law by President Obama on...
Veteran Status for the National Guard still has life for this year.
Read all way to the bottom..... Calendar No. 267 114th CONGRESS 1st Session S. 1203 [Report No....