The National Guard Association of Oklahoma (NGAOK) is a Not for Profit Veterans Service Organization based in Oklahoma City. We represent the interests of the 10,000 men and women of the Oklahoma Army and Air National Guard.
NGAOK has an additional component, The National Guard Association of Oklahoma Scholarship Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit foundation. NGAOK and NGAOK Scholarship Foundation operates as two independent, not-for-profit corporations, sharing common board officers and executive director, and operating as a fully integrated organization in support of the Oklahoma National Guard and its mission. NGAOK Scholarship Foundation partners with the private and public sector to raise and disperse funds to support NGAOK members and their families. Jointly, our goal is to provide educational scholarships and activities in support of military service members in the State of Oklahoma.
The National Guard Association of Oklahoma (NGAOK) is one of the premier associations in the National Guard. We are a combined Association with officers and enlisted sharing in the journey for all Soldiers and Airmen across the great State of Oklahoma
We are dedicated to promoting the status, welfare and professionalism of officer and enlisted members of the Army and Air National Guard by supporting legislation that provides adequate staffing, pay benefits, entitlements, equipment and installations for the Oklahoma Army and Air National Guard.
The purpose of the Association:
- To promote and support adequate State and National security
- To foster and work to improve the National Guard of Oklahoma and the National Guard of the United States as a component of the total Armed Forces of the United States
- To promote a sense of comradeship and esprit de corps among all guardsmen
- To develop and present, to all citizens of Oklahoma, true information and knowledge about the Army and Air National Guard
The Future of the NGAOK depends on you! With participation in the organization, you will have an active voice that will influence major decisions concerning the National Guard. Members vote each year for what they feel should be proposed to the state Legislature and Congress. Without your participation, your voice will not be heard.
Who We Are
New 2024-25
Executive Board
James Hight- President, Officer – Army
Christopher Buck – Vice President, Officer – Army
Jacob Suddath – Vice President, Officer – Air
Kari Skinner – Treasurer
Megan Mathews – Secretary
Past President – Paul Tate
Lynn Loveless – Finance Manager
Johnny Danrich III, CMP, CASE – Executive Director
Vacant – ODVA Commissioner

New 2024-25
Board of Directors
Caleb Hollingsworth – 90th TC Officer Representative
Stephanie Cowart – 90th TC Enlisted Representative
Travise Miller – 45th FAB Enlisted Representative
Austin ‘AJ’ Schurr – 45th FAB Officer Representative
Quentin Hendricks – 137th SOW Officer Representative
Joshua Hommen-Roddy – 137th SOW Enlisted Representative
Mathhew Martinez – 138th Enlisted Rep
Robert Gagay- 138th FW Officer Representative
Alicia Martinez – Spouse Rep
James Patrick – 45th IBCT Officer Rep
Micah Elliott – 45th IBCT Enlisted Rep
Brandon ‘Luke’ Kimbrel – JFHQ Officer Rep
Heather McEver – JFHQ Enlisted Rep
Robert Mathew – State Army Retired Rep
Lloyd Smithson – State Air Retired Rep
Daily association operations of NGAOK are under the direction of a contracted employee, Johnny Danrich III, CMP, CASE. He and his staff operate on the grounds of the Regional Training Institute. An elected board of directors provides overall association governance. The board consists of a chairman, vice chair-Army, vice chair-Air, secretary, treasurer and 14 additional members.
The board gathers monthly and they also convene at the annual conference which takes place in April. At the meetings, the board will hear an array of reports from committees and staff. Other business includes the financial standing of the association, legislative and membership concerns, the awards program and the status of the Insurance Program.
The board is guided by the NGAOK by-laws and the Insurance Trust Agreement. The treasurer’s report is published each year in the conference program at the State Conference.