2023 NGAOK Leadership Conference and Military Ball
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Osage Casino Tulsa
Spouse Workshop
“Brothers at War”
Sponsored by: The Gary Sinise Foundation
In 2011, Jake Rademacher conducted the first Brothers at War Resiliency Workshop for hundreds of Soldiers just home from Iraq. In 2012, the 45th Infantry Division reached out to Jake and asked him to conduct Workshops for their Division as they were returning home from Afghanistan.
In 2017, a Pre-Deployment Workshop was created to get in front of the issues that deployments create. Now, they would like to complete their deployment cycle workshop series, and conduct the Mid Deployment Workshop for Spouses.
Jake and his team would honored to partner with the Oklahoma National Guard Spouses again.
The Gary Sinise Foundation will sponsor travel for our Resiliency Trainers and offer the materials and brunch free of charge to participants.