- Your voice on State and National issues
- State Sponsored Life Insurance
- Retirees’ Retreat
- Legislative Breakfast
- State Legislature Reception
- Oklahoma Day at NGB
- Family Gathering
Scholarship Opportunities:
- National Guard Association of Oklahoma , Scholarship Foundation
- Oklahoma National Guard Foundation
- National Guard Association of Oklahoma
- National Guard Association of United States (NGAUS)
- Enlisted Association National Guard (EANGUS)
- EANGUS Area IV Mid-Winter
Issues that NGAOK, EANGUS and NAGUS continue to fight for:
- State Tuition Fee Waiver (National Guard Specific)
- Oklahoma State Income Tax Exclusion (ALL Military Pay)
- Reduced Cost Military Car Tag (Active Duty Military Only)
- Military Recognition Car Tags (Some Guard Specific, others all military)
- Military Veterans Retirement Pay Tax Break (ALL Military Veterans)
- Armory Modernization Program (50/50 State and Federal Matching Funds)
Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)